We are working on our 2011 tour schedule. I think we will call it the "Juice Tour"
Daily photo blog of the Scott Welch family. We started this in July 2010 and made it one year. We will try and keep it going ....... wish us luck and leave a comment on what you like. Forgive us if we skip a day or two.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sept 29 - Powder Puff Game
I also had to get one of the cheerleaders. Reminds me of when I was a powder puff cheerleader (I tried to find a picture, but I think I broke all the cameras).
Sept 28 - Sick today
Today, I was sick, so no picture was taken. So I have to go with a couple that I took in Alaska. Man, I got to go back!

Sept 27 - Tree #2
Sept 26 - Court of Honor
Tonight we had a BSA Court of Honor and Pack meeting. I think this is the first time they have been held together (at least since I have been involved). It was a good meeting.
Tonight Tyler got another 10 merit badges. He has three more that he has earned (that they forgot about - not sure how that can happen when he has soooooo many). I think this puts him close to 30 total. He has got one required one left and he is scheduled to get that in November. He does a great job with scouts!
Sept 25 (part 2) - Tree #1
For the rest of today, we worked on taking out an old dead tree and planting a new one. We have talked about doing this all summer but have been waiting for a good sale. Of all days, today was the sale. We had a lot going on today (temple, tree, Saturday stuff, RS Broadcast) so it was a busy day. Micah, Tyler and I worked on this and Wendy came out to help when all the hard work was done (again that does not sound right - she was working hard inside). Mariah was off at a friends party (and she had a good time). Trees are always nice to have. 
Sept 25 (part 1) - Temple
Sept 24 - Carnival Race Game
Tonight Micah's school hosted a carnival. We spent a couple of hours watching Micah play some games, but the highlight was when Tyler, Mariah, Micah and I raced Mario Kart. It was a close race and I did my best to win the game, but I finished second. To even do this good, I told Mariah that she was looking at the wrong car (this threw her off the pace right a way), I had to bump Micah and I tried to distract Tyler. Even with all this, I did not win. We had fun!

Sept 23 - Grandma is Home
Today Great Grandma went home from her stay at the rehab place ..... that does not sound very good. I guess I should say that she came home from her stay in the hospital and the physical rehab center. She is doing great.

This picture was taken at our last visit to Denver. This is not the best picture of her, but we like it as she is eating smores! We had a good time this day!
Ok, here is a better picture of her.
Sept 22 - Best Buy
Sept 21 - Big Fish in Idaho
Sept 20 - Father's Day - Again????
Sept 19 - Bad Face Paint Job
Yesterday Micah, Mom and I went to the Harvest Festival. They had some face painting stations so Micah had to get her face painted. She wanted a puppy on her cheek, but ended up with a puppy face. As you can tell from the first picture, she was not happy, as the paint was off her face in about 5 minutes.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sept 18 - ROCKIE
Today we put Mariah's new licence plate on her car. We got her a custom plate that spells ROCKIE. If you did not know, Mariah is a Colorado Rockies fan. She became a big fan the year the Colorado Rockies went to the World Series.
Once again this year the Colorado Rockies are making a September run for the playoffs. This has happened for the past several years. I just wish they would play this well all year round.
Sept 17 - Bonus Post (MUST READ)
Below is a story that happened today to Mariah. This is written by her and I have been told it is all true.
Why do all of my embarrassing stories have to deal with garbage cans? On Friday, to celebrate having a car and the independence to go out to lunch with friends, some of my best friends and I went out to Taco Bell during our lunch hour. We ordered our food and sat down to eat, while talking about the upcoming football game, seminary classes and that boy who called Kim a Freshman and who would be spending most of his lunch hour looking at the inside of his locker(just kidding, she wished she could throw him in a locker, but he could'nt fit). Because I wear a retainer and cannot eat with it in my mouth without it becoming filled with disgusting food, I took the retainer out of my mouth and folded it up in a napkin.
After we finished our yummy meal of burritos and tacos, we threw our stuff away and started out the door. With a sickening jolt in my stomach that had nothing to do with my bean and cheese burrito, I felt the top of my mouth and realized that my retainer was not in its customary position of making it impossible to talk without accidentally shooting spit at everyone. Therefore, I had thrown it . . . right into the middle of the Taco Bell garbage can.
I turned and practically sprinted back to the garbage can, in hopes that maybe it was just sitting on the edge of the can, and that no digging would be necessary. No such luck. My friends who had no idea why I was staring desperately into the middle of the garbage can, asked me if I had thrown away an unfinished burrito or something. My only response was to say no and smile sadly before they realized the awful truth. My retainer was in the depths of a Taco Bell garbage can filled with half eaten burritos, tacos, and gorditos right after half the population of Hillcrest High School had eaten there. And the retainer was likely right at the bottom.
So they did the exact opposite of what "best friends" are supposed to do. They laughed and laughed and laughed. They were laughing so hard they could not stand up straight, and had to sit down on a bench to continue laughing. Meanwhile, I cautiously lifted the lid to the trash can and peered inside. What I saw shocked my mind, and my senses. A mountain of Taco Bell wrappers, napkins, hot sauce, cups, and, lucky for me, absolutely no retainer in sight. It was most definitely right at the bottom of one of the grossest sights I have ever seen.
So, because a new retainer costs about one hundred and fifty dollars, and I would have to pay for it, I bravely plunged my hand into the garbage can, hoping against hope that the retainer was right on top. No such luck. Instead, I got a fistful of something disgusting, and I lost my nerve. My now ex-best friends laughed harder than ever, and asked me what I was going to do now. I calmly replied that if they wanted a ride back to school, they were going to help me. So we walked over to the lady at the cashier, who had seen me plunge my hand into the great depths of unwanted tacos, and explained that I had accidentally thrown my retainer away, and if she would please bring the trash can out of it's container so that I could peruse it to get the retainer back. Holding back laughter, she calmly got me some latex gloves (thank heavens for those things) and unlocked the container so that I could freely gain access to the Taco Bell garbage can.
As this whole scene was going on, people in the restaurant had noticed, first my shocked expression while staring at a garbage can, my ex-best friends laughing long and loud, my hand reaching into the garbage can, and the lady bringing out the garbage can. Now they really got a show. With my friends trying to not laugh (so they could get back to school on time) but failing miserably, I miserably thrust both hands into the garbage can, moving half-eaten tacos and used napkins out of my way to try and find the retainer. A fourth of the football team chose Taco Bell that day, and with their lunch they got a show. To add insult to embarrassment, an older man, (at least my father's age) someone I did not even know, came up to me to say "You know, if you are really that hungry, I could buy you lunch. You don't have to dig through the trash to find something to eat." As I tried to explain that I was just trying to find a retainer, the comment had sent both ex-friends over the edge again, and peals of laughter issued from their mouths. As he sat back down again, chuckling at his own joke, which was not funny at all, I grasped the retainer.
It felt as if choirs of angels were singing as I held up the retainer, with lettuce, hot sauce and meat hanging on to it, and wrapped it in a clean napkin so that I could place it into my locker until I could sanitize it. The nice cashier lady put the trash can back as I threw the now disgusting latex gloves away. I sprinted for the door as fast as I could to get away from the football team, the still laughing middle-aged man, and my own embarrassment. My friends trying to keep up from fear of being left behind.
In the car, I told both of my friends that if they ever told anyone, I would be personally sticking them into the dumpster behind the Taco Bell because I now knew just how nasty it was. So naturally, they told everyone they knew, who told everyone they knew, who put it on Facebook. And I am pretty sure one of the employees asked another employee if they got it on camera, and if they could send it to America's Funniest Home Videos. So the moral of the story is . . Eat at Taco Bell only when it is empty, and or when they have just emptied the garbage cans.
Why do all of my embarrassing stories have to deal with garbage cans? On Friday, to celebrate having a car and the independence to go out to lunch with friends, some of my best friends and I went out to Taco Bell during our lunch hour. We ordered our food and sat down to eat, while talking about the upcoming football game, seminary classes and that boy who called Kim a Freshman and who would be spending most of his lunch hour looking at the inside of his locker(just kidding, she wished she could throw him in a locker, but he could'nt fit). Because I wear a retainer and cannot eat with it in my mouth without it becoming filled with disgusting food, I took the retainer out of my mouth and folded it up in a napkin.
After we finished our yummy meal of burritos and tacos, we threw our stuff away and started out the door. With a sickening jolt in my stomach that had nothing to do with my bean and cheese burrito, I felt the top of my mouth and realized that my retainer was not in its customary position of making it impossible to talk without accidentally shooting spit at everyone. Therefore, I had thrown it . . . right into the middle of the Taco Bell garbage can.
I turned and practically sprinted back to the garbage can, in hopes that maybe it was just sitting on the edge of the can, and that no digging would be necessary. No such luck. My friends who had no idea why I was staring desperately into the middle of the garbage can, asked me if I had thrown away an unfinished burrito or something. My only response was to say no and smile sadly before they realized the awful truth. My retainer was in the depths of a Taco Bell garbage can filled with half eaten burritos, tacos, and gorditos right after half the population of Hillcrest High School had eaten there. And the retainer was likely right at the bottom.
So they did the exact opposite of what "best friends" are supposed to do. They laughed and laughed and laughed. They were laughing so hard they could not stand up straight, and had to sit down on a bench to continue laughing. Meanwhile, I cautiously lifted the lid to the trash can and peered inside. What I saw shocked my mind, and my senses. A mountain of Taco Bell wrappers, napkins, hot sauce, cups, and, lucky for me, absolutely no retainer in sight. It was most definitely right at the bottom of one of the grossest sights I have ever seen.
So, because a new retainer costs about one hundred and fifty dollars, and I would have to pay for it, I bravely plunged my hand into the garbage can, hoping against hope that the retainer was right on top. No such luck. Instead, I got a fistful of something disgusting, and I lost my nerve. My now ex-best friends laughed harder than ever, and asked me what I was going to do now. I calmly replied that if they wanted a ride back to school, they were going to help me. So we walked over to the lady at the cashier, who had seen me plunge my hand into the great depths of unwanted tacos, and explained that I had accidentally thrown my retainer away, and if she would please bring the trash can out of it's container so that I could peruse it to get the retainer back. Holding back laughter, she calmly got me some latex gloves (thank heavens for those things) and unlocked the container so that I could freely gain access to the Taco Bell garbage can.
As this whole scene was going on, people in the restaurant had noticed, first my shocked expression while staring at a garbage can, my ex-best friends laughing long and loud, my hand reaching into the garbage can, and the lady bringing out the garbage can. Now they really got a show. With my friends trying to not laugh (so they could get back to school on time) but failing miserably, I miserably thrust both hands into the garbage can, moving half-eaten tacos and used napkins out of my way to try and find the retainer. A fourth of the football team chose Taco Bell that day, and with their lunch they got a show. To add insult to embarrassment, an older man, (at least my father's age) someone I did not even know, came up to me to say "You know, if you are really that hungry, I could buy you lunch. You don't have to dig through the trash to find something to eat." As I tried to explain that I was just trying to find a retainer, the comment had sent both ex-friends over the edge again, and peals of laughter issued from their mouths. As he sat back down again, chuckling at his own joke, which was not funny at all, I grasped the retainer.
It felt as if choirs of angels were singing as I held up the retainer, with lettuce, hot sauce and meat hanging on to it, and wrapped it in a clean napkin so that I could place it into my locker until I could sanitize it. The nice cashier lady put the trash can back as I threw the now disgusting latex gloves away. I sprinted for the door as fast as I could to get away from the football team, the still laughing middle-aged man, and my own embarrassment. My friends trying to keep up from fear of being left behind.
In the car, I told both of my friends that if they ever told anyone, I would be personally sticking them into the dumpster behind the Taco Bell because I now knew just how nasty it was. So naturally, they told everyone they knew, who told everyone they knew, who put it on Facebook. And I am pretty sure one of the employees asked another employee if they got it on camera, and if they could send it to America's Funniest Home Videos. So the moral of the story is . . Eat at Taco Bell only when it is empty, and or when they have just emptied the garbage cans.
Sept 16 - Wind Power
We have over 100 of these wind generators around the area. They sit on our big hill where there is lots of wind. A lot of people don't like the look of them, as they say it spoils the view, but I don't mind them at all. We need power to support our life styles, and I don't mind having clean sources of energy.

In one of these pictures you can view the Tetons in the back ground.
Sept 15 - Hay Fever!
Fall is a great time for harvesting hay and all other things that make me sneeze. I remember getting shots when I was young for my hay fever and I am glad that I did this, as I know it helped me reduce my allergic reactions. I know I did not enjoy them at the time, but I also don't enjoy allergies.
Thanks mom and dad for taking me to get my shots!
Sept 14 - Scouts and Bishopric Meeting
Tuesday night is the night I spend with the youth and at Bishopric meeting.
Tonight the scouts worked on the Signalling merit badge. This merit badge was discontinued several years ago, but was brought back this year in celebration of the 100 years of the Boy Scouts of America. This is one of 4 merit badges that can only be earned this year. Tyler will earn all four of them. He does such a great job in scouts and he has great leaders that support him.
Also on Tuesday we have our Bishopric meetings. We usually have them at the church, but today the carpets are being cleaned, so we held it at the Bishop's house, which means one thing ..... Ice Cream! The Bishop loves his ice cream and he had lots left over from his daughter's wedding. 
Sept 13 - Dinner for Someone Else
Tonight was Wendy's turn to cook dinner for someone in our ward. The whole family got involved tonight in cooking the meal. Tyler and Mariah helped prepare it, Mom cooked it, I ran to the store to get something we needed and Micah, Mom and I delivered it.
We are always blessed when we serve our neighbors. It helps us increase our love for them.
Sept 12 - In Sync
This is a common site at our home. The syncing of our iPods and iPad.
I love to listen to various podcasts from physics lectures at MIT to the latest Apple news. As a result of this I need to sync my devices almost nightly.
It also appears that we need to clean our computer desk ....... I guess I had better get on that.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sept 11 - Thoughts are with our Country
I will never forget Sept 11, 2001. I was at work when I heard the news of the first plane hitting the tower. A few minutes after that the second one hit. Then news of a plane hitting the Pentagon, and another plane was down in PA. All TVs and computers where tuned into the events of that day.
When I got home, I remember sitting on the couch watching the news and holding Micah. She was 6 months old and I remember thinking that her world will never be like mine. A lot has happened in the past 9 years. No matter your views on the wars, I hope that you will always support our troops when they are in harms way, or those that respond to emergencies.
Sept 10 - Not Feeling Well
Today, Mariah stayed home from school, as she was not feeling well. So I took her to the Dr. office and she got some drugs. I hate it when she misses school! It is so important for her to stay in school so she can get her assignments. It is hard being a parent.
Here is a picture of a big bowl of soup. Soup is always good for the soul (sounds like a good idea for a book - if someone has not already thought of that).
Sept 9 - Welcome Ashlyn (so we have another Niece)!
Today Wendy's brother and wife had a baby girl. Below is a picture of the girl, and their other kids at our house waiting for the news.
Wendy got a call about midnight to come over, but Ashlyn took her time. She was born after 3:00 pm.
Sept 8 - Thinking of Great Grandma
Great Grandma McDanial has not been doing good. She has been having a hard time. When I think of my Grandma, I think of roses, as she loves roses. She has always had roses in her yard. Our thoughts and prayers are with her.
This is from an email that I got from my dad on Sept 4th.
"I was just getting ready to providing an update on Grandma when I received several emails asking about her. Jean and her sister have talked regarding Grandma, and Jeans sister (Leah Castle) and Grandma have had a chance to visit also. She has also talked with her sister (Fern Stanley) and I think the rest of her family are also aware of what is going on. (Feel free to pass her condition on to others.) Grandma is holding her own. She has a super bug infection and it appears today that the numbers regarding her infection are turning in the right direction. SO, that is good. She has had multi test ranging for X-rays of her chest and her throat, blood tests almost every hour, and etc. She is having some trouble with getting her food down. That was the purpose of the throat X ray. Those results will not be know until Monday. She is on a soft diet, crushing her food and pills. (Some of YOU could use the same, not being able to eat much for a while. HA). Her lungs have cleared up some and the antibodies will clear that up also.
It appears she will be in the hospital until Tue or Wed and then be transferred to a Care Center. She needs to gain her strength back and starting walking again. She is able to currently walk but very limited in distance. I think her stay would be less that 20 days but I know she is not wanting to go into any care center. The medical staff is pushing the care center where she can get physical therapy and staff to assist her in multi ways. She is headed for Elm Heaven Care Center next week. She has been there before and will adapt well. She will be welcomed home when she is able. Jake (our dog) is always at the front window looking for her to come home. Jake and Grandma spend a lot of time together.
We here are watching over her and responding when required. She still has a good sense of humor and has continued to put up with me. A remarkable thing!!! She sends her love to all, especially her handsome and charming Sons in Laws."
It appears she will be in the hospital until Tue or Wed and then be transferred to a Care Center. She needs to gain her strength back and starting walking again. She is able to currently walk but very limited in distance. I think her stay would be less that 20 days but I know she is not wanting to go into any care center. The medical staff is pushing the care center where she can get physical therapy and staff to assist her in multi ways. She is headed for Elm Heaven Care Center next week. She has been there before and will adapt well. She will be welcomed home when she is able. Jake (our dog) is always at the front window looking for her to come home. Jake and Grandma spend a lot of time together.
We here are watching over her and responding when required. She still has a good sense of humor and has continued to put up with me. A remarkable thing!!! She sends her love to all, especially her handsome and charming Sons in Laws."
As of today, she is doing better. She does have good moments and bad moments, but she is improving. She is 97 1/2 years old, and she is a fighter.
Sept 7 - No Cavities! (This is for you Mom!)
Well, today I went in for my 6th month teeth cleaning and guess what "No Cavities". I love it when I hear this. I really like my dentist, Dr. Hoover. He was a member of the Bishopric when when we moved in to the area, and we heard good things about him, so we started going. He is the best general dentist that I have been to! Really good with kids and he explains things on my level (so Micah understand what he is saying).

This picture is for you mom! There is a man-made waterfall outside his office. You know how much I like to take pictures of waterfalls! (I know the picture is not that exciting, but I could not resist putting this one up for you).
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sept 5 - Amber Waves of Grain
Sept 4 - Roundup
Today the family went to the cabin, but I had to stay home to take care of some church business on Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday I had to do some "weeding". The only way that I know how to do this is with Roundup. So if you need some weeding, just call me and I can Roundup anything.
Sept 3 - Homework Already?
Had to get a picture of something that I never see ...... Mariah doing homework! If you notice she had a "2" on her hand. Must be something to help with her math?
I love to give her a hard time!
Mariah does homework almost every night, so this is a common site at our home. Usually there is a "mad" face that goes along with her work, but tonight she was in a good mood.
Sept 2 - Welch's Grapes and Apples
Ever wanted to know where the Welch's grow their grapes? Well of course in the back yard!
Ha Ha
We also grow apples!
Sept 1 - Mowing The Lawn
Aug 31 - Game Night
Tonight we played a quick game of "Mr. Jack in New York". This is a game that Aunt Becky let us borrow. It is a game of wits. I have lost every game I played. Kids keep getting the best of me. I wish that I could say that I was letting them win to build their confidence ...... wait a minute, .... that is exactly what I was doing!
Aug 30 - First Day of School (for most)
Today was the first day of school for our kids (except for Mariah who starts tomorrow because "she is an upperclassman"). Back to school always reminds me of how quickly time flies by. Hard to believe that I have been out of school for so long. I love to give the kids a hard time about going to school, but then they remind me that I have to go to work for another 100 years. Don't you just love kids!
Aug 29 - 5th Sunday
I used to look forward to the 5th Sunday lessons at church, that is until I had to start teaching them. Today it was my turn to teach the youth (with Brother Worton). The message was on choosing good friends and keeping your "light" shining. I talked about a light house that was not functioning any more and how tragic it was that "its light had gone out". We always need to keep oil in our lamp so our light does not go out.
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