Daily photo blog of the Scott Welch family. We started this in July 2010 and made it one year. We will try and keep it going ....... wish us luck and leave a comment on what you like. Forgive us if we skip a day or two.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Jan 21 - Comic Book Store
Jan 20 - Tipi - Part 2
Jan 19 - Back to School ...... for Dad!
I am taking a three week course on Photoshop and the class started tonight. It is only once a week for three hours, but I am looking forward to it. On Sunday we saw the class in the paper, so on Tuesday I signed up for the class.
It is given at our local community college. Rod and I took a class there a few years ago on home wiring and I enjoyed that, so I thought I would give this class a try. Hopefully it will be a fun class.
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Hey teacher, leave those kids alone.
Roger Waters - Another Brick in the Wall (song)
Jan 18 - Micah's Project - Part 1
Notice the great workmanship of the poles. Those had to be cut just right for the whole thing to work. I would say it is the most important part of the project!
Go ahead, make my day.
Harry Callahan, played by Clint Eastwood in Sudden Impact (Dirty Hairy movie)
Jan 17 - I see GRASS!
Jan 16 - Photoshop Software
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Jan 15 - 200th Post!

Jan 14 - Quote Book
Jan 13 - Finals Week!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Jan 12 - Sick and Tired
Jan 11 - Laundry Pile
Friday, January 14, 2011
Jan 10 - Flickr Test - Mendanhall Glacier
I posted this picture from Flickr. If you don't know what Flickr is, think of it as YouTube for pictures.
Flickr allows me to post blogs and link them to this blog, so if everything works right, this will appear in my blog (which it must have worked because you are reading this).
You should be able to click on the picture (or link) to see my Flickr account. I have 6 pictures in there from our Alaska and Oregon trips.
Please give it a try to see if this works (and let me know).
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Jan 9 - Exciting Day At Church

Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live
To teach us how to give
To guide us with a light of love
Jan 8 - Elise Baptism
Jan 7 - Still working on Computer ....

Jan 6 - Computer out of the Box
Jan 5 - New Computer - In a Box!
Jan 4 - More Awards for Tyler
Jan 3 - Ready for New Computer
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Jan 2 - Christmas List Review ....
Did not get the following:
60 inch plasma TV screen Ford F150 Fully loaded (of course), any color will do
14 x16 foot shed (for my workshop)
New woodworking tool to go in shop
Entertainment center (for the 60 inch plasma)
Gift certificate for our kitchen expansion (around $30,000)
5 Cruise tickets to Hawaii and Alaska (the Fire and Ice Tour)
New Side-by-side 4 wheeler with trailer (which will be pulled by the new pickup truck)
We are getting (with some money that was provided from family):
New computer, however we still need the professional photo printer
John Wooden
Jan 1 - Happy New Year
Below are some pictures we took at midnight. We are not much of the party animal type, so we just watched it on TV.
I also have rethought my plans for this blog. I think for the month of January I will include various quotes from famous people. Today's quote is from Michael Jackson and fits with the theme of setting goals (or resolutions).
I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change
Michael Jackson - Man in the Mirror