Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aug 5 - 6 Youth Conference in Island Park

This year we had our youth conference up in Island Park.  We did a lot of activities, most of which I did not have my camera with me.

We started off doing a service project at Upper Mesa Falls.  We cleared part of a road from trees and bushes that have grown into the path.  The path needs to be clear so an ambulance can get to lower Mesa Falls.  It is about 1 - 1 1/2 mile road.  We cleared almost 1 mile of it.

We then went to a member's cabin to do a service project for our local school district.  We put several Kindergarten books together.  We then played games and watched the movie "The Ultimate Gift".

The next day we listened to a sister tell her story of overcoming adversity.  She had fallen while rock climbing and broke both of her legs.

We then floated down the river from Big Springs to Mac's Inn.  We saw Derek on the river (he was with his church group).

Overall I had a great time, and I wish I had more pictures to share .....


  1. That's cool that you saw Derek - I was surprised when he told me about it - great way to spend a weekend.

  2. Glad you didn't float down Mesa Falls. I was there one day while they were filming an advertizement for Marlboro cigeretes and they had a man go over the falls in a canoe. They did have it roped to the side which wasn't to be shown in the Ad. It was cool. The woman in charge had a diamond on the size of a rock.
    Glad you got to see Derek. He had a fun weekend.
