Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oct 21 - Mac and Tomato

Tonight Wendy was at her PAT meeting, so dad got to cook. A few nights ago the kids did something (I can't remember what), but Wendy asked them what their punishment should be if they did it again. They said that if they did it again then Dad would have to cook dinner for them. I am not sure how I should have taken this, but I thought it was a complement. It turns out that it was meant to be a slam against me.

So tonight I had to cook. I cooked my old stand by meal, which is Mac and Tomato. This is something that my dad cooked for me, and I love it. Turns out that I am the only "true Welch" in this house. They would not eat it, so I had to make Mac and Cheese.

This is for you dad!


  1. I remember when Mariah was down with us last that she mentioned this concoction to us, and to tell you the truth, it sounds great to me. I actually do that for myself when we happen to have mac and cheese. By the way, I was OFFICIALLY the one to teach Derek the art of a making a good batch of the stuff.

  2. Never have liked mac & cheese that much, but I'm sure it would be better with tomatoes.

  3. When my mother ran out of potatoes she made this concoction and I never liked it. I tried it on my kids a time or two and it didn't go over to well.
