Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 5 - NCAA Final Results - Welch Family Challenge

Well, this is a hard post to do.  It is hard to admit this ......

Tyler won the family NCAA Bracket Challenge.  The points are based upon the ESPN scoring method.

Tyler - 780 pts
Wendy - 570 pts
Mariah - 550 pts
Dad - 550 pts
Micah - 510 pts

Tyler had Uconn in the final game losing to BYU.  He was the only one in our family to have at least one of the final four teams.  It was a hard year.  I am not sure which is worse - losing to Tyler or losing to the Dog.  It has been a hard couple of years for Dad.

To celebrate his victory, Tyler took the family to Famous Daves for lunch today.  He got to pick the place to eat (winner picks the place to eat).  It was fun, and all I can say is ....... wait until next year!

Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change
Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. That food looks great. You deserved it Tyler.

  2. That wasn't your table spread, was it? Is so you must have also been the winners of a commercial advertisement too.
