Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 6 - Cleaning Day

Wendy and I didn't take our kids anywhere for Spring Break, we made them work.  And today, they worked really hard!

They spend all day cleaning out our storage room.  It has been a couple of years since it was cleaned out, and it was due.  I was lucky, I got to spend the day at work so I missed most of the fun stuff.  There was still some work to do when I got home, but not as much as you see below.

I guess the thing that shocked me most, we the attitude of the kids.  They had great attitudes all day.  I think that when I got home, I was the one who got in the way and slowed down the work.

Mariah took these pictures and as you can see, they did a lot of work (and we did end up freeing Bogey by the end of the day).

I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near. 
~ Margaret Thatcher


  1. Great job guys!

    You did a wonderful job!

  2. Wendy and you kids did a wonderful job cleaning out the storeroom. Dad and I got to see it firsthand. Hard work never hurt anyone and I know afterwards it makes you feel soooo good.

  3. Heard that it was like an episode from "The Middle." Life does not get much better, folks.
