Saturday, April 2, 2011

March 25 - PS3 is Dead!

We lost our PS3 today (that is our Play Station 3 for those that don't know what a PS3 is).  It got what is called "the yellow light of death".  Not a good thing for this system.  It is a very hard thing to fix and one that is expensive.  I tried to fix it, but it was not meant to be.  The sad thing is that it is our main DVD player (and our only blue ray player).

Time to get a new one.  Good thing I have a lot of Best Buy Reward Zone money saved up.  So we will only have to pay about 1/3 price for a new one (which is what it would have cost to get it fixed, not including the shipping).

They don't make things like they used to.
Who ever said this was a genius


  1. At least you tried. My question is would you have known how to put it back together. Reminds me a little of the nursery poem.
    "Humpty Dumpty."

  2. Go towards the yellow light PS3 . . .

    We had a member of our ward say his prayers were answered when their XBOX broke 2 months ago . . . then last month he said things weren't going so well because the XBOX got fixed -
