Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feb 19 - Tyler still hurting ....

On Tuesday Tyler and I went to shoot some arrows at a local archery range.  Tyler has a bruise on his are from where the string hit his arm.

The Teacher's quorum has been working on archery for several weeks, but Tyler missed a lot of that (as he was still a Deacon).  So he did not get the "training" on how to shoot.  As you can see he has a good reminder of how to hold the bow.

He and I did have a good time at it.

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. 
~ Anonymous


  1. Ouch! I hope it gets better soon.

  2. I know how that feels. My twin brothers let me show their bows and didn't really give me any warnings and I ended up with a few bruises in that same spot. You won't forget it. I guess that is why some people wear leather on their arms when they shoot.
