Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jan 16 - Photoshop Software

Yesterday night we got some more software for the Mac.  We got our Office products (Word, Excel, etc.) and we got Photoshop!  I am really excited about the Photoshop program.  It is something that I have always wanted to learn.  Who knows, it may even make my pictures look a little better.  Tyler is holding the software in the below pictures.

One pictures is worth ten thousands words.
Modern Proverbs
Wash. Post 26, July 1925


  1. You'll love it. It's sooooooo addicting. It let's me be artistic in minimal time, which is what I need these days.

  2. Cool! I look forward to the new improved blog entries we will see in the future.

  3. You guys are getting to fancy for me. My pictures aren't very exciting I'm afraid.
