Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jan 19 - Back to School ...... for Dad!

Tonight I went back to college.

I am taking a three week course on Photoshop and the class started tonight.  It is only once a week for three hours, but I am looking forward to it.  On Sunday we saw the class in the paper, so on Tuesday I signed up for the class.

It is given at our local community college.  Rod and I took a class there a few years ago on home wiring and I enjoyed that, so I thought I would give this class a try.  Hopefully it will be a fun class.

We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Hey teacher, leave those kids alone.
Roger Waters - Another Brick in the Wall (song)


  1. Awesome! You will have to let me know what you learn. I would go with you if I had the chance. It's been a long time since I've had a class on Photoshop and I could really use a refresher course. That's great that you are going to do it.

  2. I think this would be a great class to take - enjoy it!

  3. WAy to go Scott. I'm glad you have gone back to school. I took a few classes there when I was a cook and enjoyed them.
