Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jan 5 - New Computer - In a Box!

We got our new Mac tonight. It came in around 8:00 pm so we did not get a chance to play with it much. We decided to go with a Mac and we hope it is the right decision. There are pros and cons to a Mac, and in our house the Pros won.

We are excited about this new adventure. We still have the PC up and running, so I guess we have the best of both worlds.

We must be the change we wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi - Quoted in LA Times, 30 July 1989


  1. Good luck - I couldn't figure out how to do anything on Kendra & Jared's mac - I guess I didn't try very hard, though.

  2. I wish you good luck. I would just give up and ask Derek and Becky to do it. You always know how to do things Becky.
