Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nov 1 - Grateful for Baseball

Seeing as this is November, I will post things this month that I am grateful for.

I am grateful for Baseball.

Today the Giants won the world series. I am not really grateful for this, but I am grateful for the bond that baseball has created between Mariah and I. We both love to talk about how the Rockies are doing and how great it is to go to Denver and watch them play. We both also enjoy watching their games on television. Baseball has brought us closer together and I am grateful for this.


  1. What's more American than baseball? I miss having Derek here to watch baseball with. I still remember winning a strawberry milkshake making a bet with Dad about the 1986 World Series. I still remember cheering for Darryl Strawberry and Gary Carter (I also cheered for Bill Buckner on the Red Sox team). Fun memories!

  2. Baseball or softball is my favorite sport. I used to love to watch my kids play. It was a great favorite of my Dad and my brothers and sisters.
