Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov 30 - Grateful for traditions

Today I am grateful for family traditions.

It is important to have family traditions. I know that Wendy and I feel it is important to carry on some of our parents traditions. A few days ago I mentioned my family's tradition of "Grandma's Noodles" and today I am grateful for the tradition we have of giving Christmas ornaments to our children and my parents. Each one has a special meaning or memory, like a family vacation or the first Christmas for a new member to the family.

Start a new tradition this year!


  1. Cute ornaments. Traditions are a great thing to hold on to. Kids grow up and then can carry on the traditions - I hope we all are a little nostalgic every Christmas. The best Christmases are the ones you remember as a kid.

  2. One of the traditions that I carry on that I look forward to the most is the new pjs on Christmas Eve. Jared complains that we all end up with tons of pajamas, but I think he likes it too. I like the tradition we started when we got married of the "Let's Make a Deal" holiday game too, although it needs a revamp this year. The Edward Doll just may be the latest in my series of traditions. Can't wait for Mariah's reaction this year.

  3. I think it is great to have family traditions. It is so important for each member of the family to feel like they have something special.
