Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nov 18 - Grateful for Wendy!

Today (and every day) I am grateful for Wendy.

She is my best friend and I truly do love her. She is a great mother and is always willing to look out for our family. I am also glad that she is keeping up her skills as a teacher. She does not need to work, but I am glad that she is willing to work part time. It is very comforting to me to know that if something happens to me, that she has the skills to help support our family.

In the below picture we see Micah at a monthly "Parents as Teachers (PAT)" meeting. Wendy helps run these work shops that helps new parents learn to skills to raise their children. I could not think of anyone more qualified.


  1. Wendy and Micah you are great. You put in a lot of time to help others.

  2. Way to go Wendy & Micah! You guys are terrific!
