Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nov 14 - Grateful for Home Teachers

Today I am grateful for faithful home teachers.

We had our home teachers stop by after Stake Conference today. We love our home teachers. They are faithful and always bring the spirit into our home. They always share an important message with us and are always willing to help us in any way we need. They are good examples to me. They set the "bar" really high when we talk about what a home teacher should be like. Our family loves them.


  1. We have great home teachers also.

  2. I think we've been assigned home teachers. They have just never come or let us know who they are ..... you guys are all luck to live in such an area where there are many people who faithfully fill their callings.

  3. Random comment here, but how was "Harry Potter" Mariah? BTW Scott, I'm a big fan of tomato juice too -- just had a couple of glasses. Minus the heartburn, I'm loving it. RANDONMMMMMMMM!!
