Friday, November 19, 2010

Nov 17 - Grateful for good friends who buy me Christmas gifts

I am grateful for good friends who buy me Christmas gifts

Because you are reading this blog, you are a close friend of mine. And because of this, I want to make your Christmas shopping easier. Here is my Christmas list, feel free to get me more then one gift.

60 inch plasma TV screen
Ford F150 Fully loaded (of course), any color will do
14 x16 foot shed (for my workshop)
New woodworking tool to go in shop
Entertainment center (for the 60 inch plasma)
Gift certificate for our kitchen expansion (around $30,000)
5 Cruise tickets to Hawaii and Alaska (the Fire and Ice Tour)
New computer, with a professional photo printer (must have PhotoShop on Computer)
New Side-by-side 4 wheeler with trailer (see below picture). Which will be pulled by the new pickup truck

This is just a partial list so if you need more ideas, please give me a call!


  1. I'll cut to the chase .... what do you want for $50?

  2. I think I have all of those things that are on your list, except that my plasma tv is 72" instead of 60". Jared.

  3. Wow Scott! Your Santa Clause must be richer than mine. Good luck!

  4. I guess we will see how good you have been this year. If you are really good, I am sure Santa Clause will bring you your wishlist. If not, then I guess you may get some coal . . .
