Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nov 12 - Grateful for the Book of Mormon

Today I am grateful for the Book of Mormon.

This past summer our young women took the challenge to read the Book of Mormon over a four month period (the same time frame that President Hinckley used when he ask members of the church to read it a few years ago). The YW had three mile markers along the way to track and celebrate success. Tonight was the party for those that completed the challenge. They went swimming at a member's house tonight. Below we see Mariah all ready to go.

The YW also asked the Bishopric to take on this challenge. I am happy to report that I also completed the challenge. I love the Book of Mormon. Every time I read it I gain a deeper understanding of the love our Savior has for me. I am truly grateful for the scriptures.


  1. Way to go Mariah and Scott - a very worthwhile goal - one we should all take on.

  2. The Book of Mormon is great. It is so easy to understand and I know that it is true. it is my favorite scriptures.

  3. Hope it was an indoor pool, or that would not have been much of a party to me.
